Saturday, April 18, 2020

Welcome to my attempt to keep our sanity in the midst of quarantine! I've created a blog for sharing 3 things: 1) delicious recipes you've tried 2) a good book you finished and a brief description of why it is good (or you could do the anti-good book review to warn us to save our brains from becoming mush haha) and 3) your step counts at the end of each week (step updates due by Sunday afternoon, if you'd like to participate in this portion of the blog).

The goal is to shoot for 50,000 steps a week and a book every 2 weeks....but don't stress if you just want to read the blog, occasionally say hi, or do just one of the three things 😀 Hope you all are staying safe and joyful and now off to eat the delicious dinner my sweet, sweet husband made to celebrate this sunny day and to help us put on the Covid-19!

Photo: A special quarantine moment on our sidewalk brought to you by the daily chalk artist sisters 🤣


  1. 😂 love the sidewalk picture

  2. Well, my steps come in at 25,834 for they week. It’s low because I was in a swimsuit and didn’t have pockets for my phone a lot of the time. I’ll improve next week!!

  3. Nice! My official steps are about 42,000 and I didn't have a swimsuit haha Here's to a stronger performance now that we have a blog ;)
