Saturday, April 25, 2020

First Walking Week Completion Update (Comment your steps below)

Good job everyone surviving another week of quarantine! Thank you also to everyone who wrote this week 😊I've loved reading all the posts! This is the post for everyone to update their steps for the
week (please post in the comments below...goal is to post them by lunch time tomorrow so we can tally the total for the group for the week). Hopefully you all were able to enjoy the sun today! Happy Sunday Eve 🌞

Green is on the way! 


  1. After hiking many miles in the beautiful woods today, I'm committed to not taking any more steps (poor Camden will have to carry me to my bed haha). Thus my grand total for the week is 50,956. Here's to even more next week in the warmer weather!

  2. Dang Jackie that’s impressive! I’ve apparently had quite the lazy week as I clocked in at 21,536.

    1. Haha I gained a lot of ground yesterday 😂😂😂

  3. Woah! Well, now that I know there's a competition... :P CATCH ME NEXT WEEK JACKIE.

  4. I am not counting steps, but I just measured my backyard and discovered the 40 laps equals a mile. Walked/occasionally jogged that today.😁
