Monday, April 20, 2020

Definitely NOT Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

Last night I tried my hands at a recipe for chocolate chip cookie dough bites. I love cookie dough and it was too late in the evening to think about actually baking cookies. Here's the recipe I used - It was quick and easy, didn't require a ton of ingredients and was pretty much totally delicious. My couple little tweaks: I only had salted butter so I just left out the salt. Also, to heat treat the flour (because apparently there can be bacteria issues with raw flour? Who knew?) I did thirty seconds in the microwave, stirred, thirty more seconds, stirred, plus fifteen seconds more. I don't have a candy thermometer, but this amount of time seemed pretty standard on most sites, so I just hoped for the best 😁. Warning - these cookie dough balls are SUPER sweet and you really only need one little one to satisfy your sweet tooth. Not a small salsa bowl full of dough. I may or may not have learned this from personal experience... 😉. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. yum yum yum….though that would land me in the gluten hospital hahaha
