Thursday, April 23, 2020

Parmesan Crevettes: AKA All My Favorite Foods on 1 Plate

Oh. My. Goodness. Good.

As I work on completing my next book (a project that has been slightly delayed as I begin to simultaneously work through the chunker 1,000 page Bar Prep Manual, which my heart guiltily loves), here is a quick and delicious recipe that I made up. Pregnancy has created some odd loves for me. The list is long and somewhat random, including things like sporting a short, easily flippable ponytail, casually rolling my sweet husband off the bed in my sleep, waddling when I'm barely showing, and shrimp. Odd, I know, but we roll with it 😅.
This recipe was born out of the wedding of my current loves with necessity as our Aldi order didn't come until Friday and we were running low on some supplies. Without further ado, here is what we have audaciously  named, "Parmesan Crevettes," because, why not?


1) A cup or two of shrimp: depends on number of people so easy to add more or less. (We used baby shrimp because big ones give me the creepers currently).
2) 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
3) 2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 tsp salt and pepper (or to taste), 1/2 tsp garlic powder
4) 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese (my guess is just regular stuff would be great too!)
5) Uncut green beans
6) Rice (we used jasmine rice).
7) Drizzle of olive oil and pinch of salt and pepper for green beans.

Easy peasy steps:
1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2) Start to prepare your rice (if you don't know how....haha I will pray for your first attempt and leave you to the mercy of youtube tutorials 😂)
3) Next pour olive oil into pan and place shrimp on pan (best if defrosted, but if you are like me, it will just take a smidge longer to cook them if they are still frosty little buddies). I take off the tails before cooking.
4) Mince your garlic and sprinkle that and the salt and pepper and garlic powder to taste (I generally just give once good sprinkle of each onto the pan). Stir and flip the shrimp so they are covered in the mixture.
5) Pop into oven and bake about 20 mins (or until the mix begins to look a little crisp. See photo)
6) While it bakes, put uncut green beans in frying pan with drizzle of olive oil and add pinch of salt and pepper. Cook and stir at medium heat for about 5-8 minutes and then turn to low.
7) When rice is finished, take it off the heat and then serve when the shrimp mix has finished (timing worked out well for this!).

I served the meal with applesauce and sprinkled shredded parmesan on the top. Quick, delicious, and relatively healthy. In the interest of full-disclosure: My sweet buddy does not share my love for shrimp, but the meal still managed to get a 4.3 star rating 🙌🙌. Enjoy!


  1. Your recipe posts have convinced me that I absolutely must buy some fresh garlic ASAP. You are also inspiring me to be more creative in my cooking!

    1. Heck yes to the garlic. It makes everything better’!
